The Annual General Meeting of Neova Oy annually appoints a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 members to the company’s Board of Directors in the manner specified in the Shareholders’ Agreement between the company’s owners. The chair and vice chair are appointed in the manner stipulated by the Shareholders’ Agreement. The company does not deem it necessary to provide information on candidates for membership of the Board of Directors because the company only has two shareholders that participate in the selection process. The selection of the members of the Board of Directors follows the instructions of the Ownership Steering Department of the Prime Minister’s Office on the realisation of diversity, and the General Meeting has appointed a Shareholders’ Nomination Board to prepare matters related to the appointment and remuneration of the Board of Directors.
Neova Oy’s Board of Directors sees to the administration of the company and the appropriate organisation of its operations. The Board of Directors is also responsible for the appropriate arrangement of the control of the company accounts and assets. Neova Oy’s Board of Directors is responsible for managing and supervising Neova in accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act, the Articles of Association, the Board’s charter and the shareholders’ instructions in such a way that the decisions are in the company’s interest and support the growth of the company’s value.
Board members must have the necessary expertise in board work and sufficient time to focus on the task. The Board must ensure that it has adequate information at its disposal to attend to its duties. The Board must ensure that the Group operates in accordance with approved business principles and sets targets in an ethical manner.
The Board appoints and discharges the CEO, supervises the CEO’s work and decides on the CEO’s remuneration and other terms of employment. The Board also appoints and discharges the CEO’s direct subordinates and decides on their remuneration. In addition, the Board decides on the company’s mission, strategy and values, monitors their realisation and approves the company’s operating policies.
The Board organises the internal audit and prepares the audit plan in collaboration with the CEO. The Board monitors and assesses its working methods with annual internal reports.
The Board also decides on significant expansions and contractions of operations as well as other significant investments, other long-term expenditure, assignments of property, financing arrangements and the impairment of assets. Board meetings are attended by the CEO, as a presenter, and by the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Other members of the Group Management Team and senior management attend the meetings when necessary.
The Chief Legal Officer acts as the Secretary of the Board of Directors.
The main tasks of the Board of Directors are specified in the Board’s charter (Appendix 2).
For members of the Board of Directors appointed on proposal by the State, the preferred duration of the term is 5–7 years pursuant to the Government Resolution on State Ownership Policy.
The remuneration of the Board of Directors is described in more detail in the section Remuneration of Senior Management.