In accordance with the Government Resolution on State Ownership Policy, the key criteria in proposing candidates for Board membership include experience and expertise, assurance of the capacity for cooperation and diversity of competence as well as compliance with the gender equality objectives established by the Government. The State ensures that both genders are adequately represented on the boards of directors of companies.
Assessment of board diversity
The Board of Directors seeks to confirm that it is ensuring independence and diversity, and that there is a balanced representation of women and men on the Board of Directors to promote effective dialogue and objective decision-making. Furthermore, the Board of Directors will appropriately take the applicable regulatory diversity requirements into account.
All members of Neova’s Board of Directors have a master’s degree in economics. The members of the Board have diverse professional experience and backgrounds in operating in both listed and unlisted companies in different sectors. Many have experience of international growth companies and corporate changes. The members of the Board represent different areas of expertise and have extensive managerial experience.
The Board has a balanced representation of women and men. Five members of the Board are Finnish citizens and one is a Dutch citizen. The term of office on the Board of Directors varies from less than three years to more than five years.