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The task of the Personnel Committee is to prepare proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the appointment and remuneration of the CEO and the Group Management Team as well as the company’s remuneration principles. The Personnel Committee also prepares the remuneration policy and remuneration report of the company’s governing bodies. The remuneration policy is based on an advisory vote by the Annual General Meeting. The Committee does not have independent decision-making power, so it only prepares proposals for the Annual General Meeting.

The Personnel Committee is comprised of a Chair and two members appointed annually by the Board of Directors from among its members. The members shall have appropriate experience pertaining to the terms of employment and remuneration systems of senior management. A majority of the members of the Personnel Committee shall be independent of the company. The CEO and members of the Group Management Team are not eligible to be members of the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee convenes when necessary.

The Rules of Procedure of the committee are attached (Appendix 4).

FY 2024 The members of the Personnel Committee are Panu Routila (chair), Jari-Pekka Punkari and Kirsi Puntila.