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We aim for sustainably profitable business growth based on global megatrends such as urbanization, climate change and digitalization.

On this page you will find the Group’s key figures for the most recent financial year, as well as Interim Reports and Annual Reports. We publish financial reports three times a year.

A separate statement of the company’s corporate governance is provided from the Board of Directors’ report, including a statement of remuneration.

Key figures

EUR MillionJanuary-
Net sales469.0495.9
Operating profit (EBIT)14.0-5.3
%, of net sales3.0-1.1
Operating profit (EBIT) before impairment16.9-0.7
%, of net sales3.6-0.1
Profit for the period8.8-8.2
+/- Change in working capital23.35.4
   – Net investments27.131.2
Free cash flow before taxes45.13.4
Gross investments38.740.2
Return on invested capital % *3.2-1.3
Return on invested capital % before impairment *2.6-2.4
Return on equity %*2.9-2.7
Total assets599.7737.3
Shareholders’ equity296.6293.1
Interest-bearing net debt129.0144.4
Equity-to-assets ratio %*49.840.1
Interest-bearing net debt/EBITDA2.64.9
Gearing %43.549.3
Average number of employees817936
*) Last 12 months  

We contribute to the benefit of the society

The financial responsibility of Neova Group is based on profitable operations and developing competitiveness in the long term. Sustainable financial operations also provides added value for interested parties. Due to the nature of Neova’s operations, financial effects are primarily local.

Neova Group´s companies pay all statutory taxes, based on their own business operations, to the country in which they operate. None of the Group companies have unpaid taxes. Group administration is responsible for the implementation of Neova Group’s tax strategy and compliance with country-specific tax regulations.

The local nature of our operations is reflected in our external purchases and services as well as salaries relative to turnover in all its operating countries. The majority of the company’s purchases and services are obtained from local sources. The employment effect of the operations is felt both in towns and in sparsely populated areas. Especially in the sparsely populated areas, Neova is often a very significant local employer.