Neova to become part of a new Center of Expertise for Circular Economy in Jyväskylä, Finland
A new Center of Expertise for Circular Economy (CECE) has been established in Jyväskylä, Finland, focusing on the recovery of valuable substances from industrial side streams and biomass as well as the manufacture of high-value-added end products.
The Center of Expertise for Circular Economy is a network of companies and research organisations, combining high-level research with the business and product development needs of companies. The network is looking for solutions to secure the raw materials needed for the green transition, to ensure sufficient supplies of materials critical for security of supply and to guarantee sufficient materials for industry.
The network consists of the University of Jyväskylä, the Finnish Environment Institute, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Technology Research Centre VTT and Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. In addition to Neova, the companies involved are Alva-yhtiöt Oy and Weeefiner Oy. The network is coordinated by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Jyväskylä.
Critical raw materials, biomasses and clean water have been selected as priorities for research and development in the business cluster. The cluster aims to recover critical and other valuable materials from industrial side and waste streams and biomass. In addition, the aim is to produce new high-value-added end products from these valuable materials. It will create new models for testing, piloting and scaling up innovations. The aim is to create a billion-dollar RDI ecosystem in Finland for the chemical circular economy.
Neova and the University of Jyväskylä have been collaborating in research and development for decades, and this cooperation has deepened in recent years. The Neova Innovation product development laboratory also operates in connection with the University of Jyväskylä. “For Neova, university cooperation is an important part of implementing our green growth strategy, which aims to enable food production and clean living environments. Neova is particularly interested in organic natural materials and by-products that can be used in growing media or from which valuable substances such as biostimulants can be isolated to enhance plant growth. Our aim is to maximise the efficient and versatile use of raw materials by increasing their added value and reducing their environmental impact. The new business cluster will expand our opportunities to build concepts based on the circular economy,” says Mia Suominen, Chief Innovation Officer of Neova Group.
More information
Mia Suominen, Chief Innovation Officer, puh. +358 40 848 3148