Scope Ratings has given BBB- and S-2 issuer ratings for Neova Oy
Scope Ratings GmbH has given Neova Oy an issuer rating BBB- for unsecured long-term debt and S-2 for short-term debt issued by the entity. Neova’s outlook is stable.
The assignment of a BBB- issuer rating is based on the moderate business risk of Neova group and financial risk profiles paired with the group’s status as a government-related entity. The Stable Outlook reflects Scope’s expectation that credit metrics will remain fairly stable over the next few years, along with the belief that the group’s ownership structure and its role in Finland’s energy environment will not change.
More information:
- Jarmo Santala, CFO, Neova, tel. +358 40 801 9191
- Erik Nieminen, Director, Group Treasury, Neova, tel. +358 40 553 6168