The live camera captures the diverse life and sounds of the wetland
Neova has established numerous wetlands in former peat production areas. One of the wetlands is equipped with a live camera where you can relax by watching the diverse life of the wetland and listening to the birds singing at night. A pair of swans´ nest in the wetland, and during the spring, common goldeneyes , mallards, eurasian teals and, as a rarity, an endangered eurasian coot have been observed in the area. Among the waders in the area, for example, the green sandpiper, the wood sandpiper, common greenshand and the common snipe. In the nearby forest, sings the rustic bunting (near threatened).
Wetlands play an important role in supporting biodiversity. The wetland is a favorable habitat for various animal species, as water and flourishing vegetation provide protection, nesting and reproduction opportunities, and the wetland provides a diverse diet for a diverse ecosystem. Wetlands are teeming with life and are home to many aquatic organisms, insects, butterflies, frogs and aquatic plants. The wetland offers a delicacy for birds and other animals that enjoy and visit the wetland. Some of Neova’s wetlands also serve as a water treatment structure for peat production.
Neova will construct more wetlands to safeguard biodiversity by restoring, ie watering and afforesting, former peatland production areas. The goal of the Biodiversity Program is to increase biodiversity by restoring 2,000 hectares of production areas in 2021-2025 in cooperation with local stakeholders. After the end of peat production, biodiversity will increase if, for example, a diverse wetland or a combination of wetlands and afforestation is established in the area. Wetland projects are in line with the Neova Group’s renewed sustainability strategy and biodiversity program.