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The wetland built in Ropolansuo, Mikkeli, has been opened to the public

Neova has established a 104-hectare biodiversity area in the former peat production area of Ropolansuo in Mikkeli. This is one of Finland’s largest wetlands built on former peat production areas.

The wetland will have its opening ceremony on Thursday 5.9.2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm. Sausages and coffee buns are provided. The address of the event is Murtosaarekkeentie 36, Mikkeli.

Wetland of nationally and locally significant size

Peat production in Ropolansuo ended in 2020. While peat production was still in progress, the wetland area served as a storage area for flood waters in the production area.

After peat production ended, more water was directed to the same wetland area, creating a permanent and larger water area in the area. The water level in the area was also raised by building a dam at the top of the wetland. 

The entire biodiversity area was completed in 2024. The area consists of two parts: Iso-Ropola and Pikku-Ropola. The water area of Iso-Ropola is 50 hectares and that of Pikku-Ropola 6 hectares.

Wetlands safeguard biodiversity

The Ropolansuo wetland consists of open water areas, where islands and islets of different sizes create a meandering shoreline, providing plenty of shelter and feeding places for biota. Important for biodiversity is the number of mattes, submerged trees and rocks rising from the water. Their underwater parts provide shelter and feeding grounds for aquatic invertebrates, and the above-water parts provide resting and lookout places for birds.

Wetlands are important habitats for endangered waterfowl populations. In the Ropolansuo wetland, nesting birds are represented by diverse species from wetland, water and shore environments, among which several species classified as endangered and rare in the South Savo region have been observed, such as the Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler and Tufted Duck. In addition, during the spring migration, the wetland has been home to a large number of rare waders, such as Wood Sandpipers and critically endangered Ruffs.

During 2023 and 2024, birdhouses, duck nest tubes and boxes have been installed in the wetland and its vicinity, and bird population monitoring has been carried out. A bird tower is also being built in the area.

After construction, the wetland area is allowed to develop naturally. The Ropolansuo biodiversity area will gradually become a large-scale wetland ecosystem and recreational area that binds carbon and supports biodiversity.

The construction of the Ropolansuo wetland is a project in line with the Neova Group’s sustainability strategy and biodiversity programme. ” The goal of our biodiversity programme this year was to implement one more site in Finland in addition to the five existing biodiversity areas. Safeguarding biodiversity is important to us as a company, and the wetland completed in Ropolansuo is a great part of this goal,” says Markus Tykkyläinen, Deputy CEO of Neova Oy.  

More info on: Teija Hartikka, Senior Manager, Neova Oy, tel. +358 400 157 733